Ahead of the much-anticipated Delhi elections, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajeev Kumar, on January 7, 2025, reinforced the transparency of India’s electoral system and dismissed the allegations of electronic voting machine (EVM) tampering and voter roll manipulations. In a press conference, Kumar reassured the public that India’s electoral process remains among the most transparent globally, as repeated rulings by the Supreme Court and High Courts have upheld the integrity of EVMs.
The CEC addressed concerns raised by Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, who had claimed a significant surge in voter additions and deletions in the New Delhi constituency’s electoral rolls. Atishi alleged that these sudden changes were part of a larger scheme to tamper with the election outcome. However, Kumar refuted these allegations, explaining the Election Commission of India’s (ECI) rigorous verification processes.
Kumar took a firm stance against the claims of EVM hacking, emphasizing that not a single discrepancy has been found in the votes counted via EVMs and Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) slips. He highlighted the fact that since 2019, over 67,000 VVPATs, containing more than 4.5 crore slips, have been verified without a single error in vote counts. “The Supreme Court’s ruling mandates that five VVPATs from each constituency must be counted. And not even the difference of one vote has been found with the new machines since 2019,” Kumar stated confidently.
The CEC also reassured the nation that all EVMs undergo rigorous testing and sealing processes well ahead of elections, with political party representatives observing every step of the procedure. These stringent measures ensure that no manipulation takes place.
Kumar also responded to the allegations made by Atishi, who claimed a 10% increase in voter additions and a 5.77% deletion in the New Delhi constituency’s rolls in a short period. He explained that the Election Commission provides multiple opportunities for citizens to add missing voters, and draft rolls are shared with political parties for verification. Any unusual voter changes are thoroughly scrutinized to ensure accuracy.
The ECI also follows a transparent process when handling errors in the older machines or technical glitches. Kumar assured that even in such cases, the Election Commission reviews every instance with precision, and the slips are counted to prevent any adverse impact on the election result.
Kumar emphasized that the electoral process in India is robust, transparent, and thoroughly documented. He explained that “Form 20,” which contains the exact details of winners and losers, is provided to all candidates. This ensures that no ambiguity remains, and every party can trust the election outcome.
Moreover, the Chief Election Commissioner warned against the politicization of the electoral process through baseless claims that undermine the credibility of constitutional bodies. “Results cannot form the basis for questioning the process,” he remarked, urging the public and political stakeholders to engage in elections responsibly.
Kumar proudly stated that India is on the verge of becoming a nation with over one billion voters, and the country maintains one of the most transparent electoral processes globally. “No election body in the world provides data as detailed and granular as India’s Election Commission,” he said. Kumar assured that the ECI is committed to ensuring fair, free, and credible elections, addressing all concerns and rumors with facts, data, and transparency.
With Delhi elections on the horizon, the Election Commission’s assertion of its rigorous and transparent processes comes at a crucial time. As the nation heads to the polls, the ECI has reiterated its unwavering commitment to democracy and the sanctity of the electoral process.
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