Delhi’s air quality remained in the “moderate” category for the second consecutive day on Thursday, with a slight improvement despite a sharp drop in the minimum temperature. At 9 a.m., the city’s average Air Quality Index (AQI) was 161, compared to 178 at 4 p.m. on Wednesday. The improvement was attributed to strong surface winds and clear skies, with wind speeds reaching up to 20 km per hour over the past 24 hours.
Lowest Minimum Temperature Recorded This Winter
The minimum temperature in Delhi on Thursday dropped to 8.5°C, which is a degree below normal and 3.5°C lower than Wednesday’s 12°C. This marks the lowest minimum temperature recorded this winter season. The previous low was 9.5°C on November 29.
Thursday’s AQI of 161 is the lowest recorded in December in four years. The last time the AQI was lower was on October 12, when it reached 155. The previous lowest December AQI was 160 on December 14, 2020. According to the Early Warning System for Delhi (EWS), the AQI is expected to remain in the “moderate” range due to strong winds but may worsen slightly, crossing 200 on Friday.
Improving Air Quality Thanks to Strong Winds and Sunshine
Skymet Meteorology vice president Mahesh Palawat attributed the improving air quality to consistent winds and a lack of moisture in the air. “Like the past few days, AQI has improved due to consistent winds and lack of moisture in the air. Thus, we are seeing little fog and ample sunshine during the day,” he said. Wind speeds reached 20 km per hour on Wednesday.
At 9 a.m. on Thursday, only six of the 39 air quality stations in Delhi recorded “poor” pollution levels. The highest AQI was 251 at Shadipur, while the lowest was 111 at Pusa in West Delhi.
Delhi has not reported any fog since Tuesday, resulting in clear skies and improved visibility. Although clear skies make the days warmer, the nights are cooler. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasts that the minimum temperature will hover around 8°C until Saturday, while the maximum temperature, which was 28°C on Wednesday, is expected to remain around 27°C.
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