In a bizarre and alarming incident from Maharashtra, three minor girls allegedly staged their own kidnapping in a desperate bid to earn money and visit South Korea to meet the members of the globally popular K-pop band BTS. The girls, aged 11 and 13, are from Dharashiv district and reportedly planned to travel to Pune to work and fund their trip.
On December 27, the Omerga police received an urgent call on their helpline claiming that three girls had been forcibly taken away in a school van from Omerga taluka in the district. The police swiftly began their investigation and traced the number associated with the call. They discovered that the call had been made by a woman traveling on a state transport bus from Omerga to Pune.
The police tracked the bus to the Mohol area in Solapur district, and, with the help of a local shop owner at the Mohol bus stand, managed to locate the girls. They were removed from the bus and taken to a local police station. The Omerga police team, along with the girls’ parents, arrived soon after.
When questioned the following day, the girls revealed their elaborate plan to earn money in Pune so they could fund their trip to South Korea to meet BTS, their favorite K-pop idols. This revelation has left the local community in shock, highlighting not only the lengths the girls were willing to go but also raising concerns about the influence of pop culture on young minds.
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