Bollywood veteran Dharmendra, along with two other individuals, has been summoned by the Patiala House Court in Delhi in connection with a cheating case related to his restaurant franchise, Garam Dharam Dhaba. The summons, issued by Judicial Magistrate Yashdeep Chahal, comes after a complaint filed by Delhi-based businessman Sushil Kumar, who alleges that he was misled into investing in the franchise.
Sushil Kumar claims that in April 2018, he was approached by co-accused individuals acting on behalf of Dharmendra, offering him an opportunity to invest in a Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise in Uttar Pradesh. According to Kumar, he was promised lucrative returns, with claims that the existing branches of the restaurant in Connaught Place (Delhi) and Murthal (Haryana) were generating a monthly turnover of ₹70 to ₹80 lakh.
The agreement promised a seven percent return on his ₹41 lakh investment, along with full support to set up the franchise. However, Kumar was soon asked to increase his investment to ₹63 lakh, plus taxes, and also to secure land for the business.
In good faith, Kumar complied with the requests, paying ₹17.70 lakh through a cheque, which was later encashed. The land was acquired in November 2018, but despite repeated attempts, Kumar claims that neither Dharmendra nor any of his associates ever inspected the land or followed through on their commitments.
The complainant believes he has been defrauded, suffering significant financial losses due to the non-fulfillment of the promises made by the accused. As a result, he filed a complaint alleging cheating, criminal intimidation, and breach of trust, leading to the legal action.
On December 5, 2024, the Patiala House Court found prima facie evidence of cheating and criminal intimidation and issued summons against Dharmendra and his co-accused. The court noted that the documents submitted by the complainant, including the letter of intent with the Garam Dharam Dhaba logo, clearly indicated that the transaction was connected to the restaurant, and the co-accused acted on behalf of Dharmendra.
The court ruled that the case will proceed under Sections 420 (cheating), 120B (criminal conspiracy), and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). A detailed examination of the case will take place at the next hearing, scheduled for February 20, 2025.
The legal battle is expected to take some time, and Dharmendra, known as the “He-Man” of Bollywood, will now have to face court proceedings in connection with this controversial matter. The outcome of this case could have significant ramifications for his business ventures, especially the Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise, which was once an iconic name in the restaurant industry.
This case also highlights the importance of transparency and due diligence when it comes to investments, especially in large-scale businesses such as restaurant franchises. It serves as a reminder to entrepreneurs and investors alike to ensure all agreements are legally sound and transparent.
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