In a shocking incident in East Delhi’s Shakarpur area, a 14-year-old boy was fatally stabbed by a group of seven individuals, including five juveniles, in what police believe was an act of revenge over a minor dispute. The tragic event unfolded outside Rajkiya Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya No. 2 (RSBV-2) during school dispersal on Friday evening.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) Abhishek Dhaniya revealed that the altercation stemmed from a game of dodgeball. During the game, the victim accidentally hit one of the accused with the ball, triggering a chain of events that led to the fatal attack. The prime accused, enraged by the incident, called his uncles, Saarthi (19) and Aman Kumar (31), to “settle the matter.”
“The victim, a Class 9 student, was stabbed with a knife on his right thigh outside the school gate by a group of individuals. He was given first aid at the school and rushed to the hospital but unfortunately succumbed to his injuries during treatment,” DCP Dhaniya said.
According to the investigation, one of the accused borrowed a mobile phone from another student and called his uncle, instructing him to “send people” to resolve the issue. By the time classes ended and students began leaving, the group was waiting near the school gate. The confrontation escalated quickly, resulting in the fatal stabbing.
Police registered a murder case and launched an immediate investigation, forming multiple teams to track down the suspects. CCTV footage, witness accounts, and other evidence helped identify the attackers. All seven suspects were apprehended while attempting to flee the city, and the murder weapon was recovered.
DCP Dhaniya explained, “The accused included Saarthi, Aman Kumar, and five minors. Saarthi and Aman, who are relatives of one of the juvenile accused, were called in to assist with the retaliation.”
This heartbreaking incident underscores the tragic consequences of escalating minor disagreements. The community remains in shock as authorities continue their investigation into the case.