As part of an ongoing investigation into sand mining that involves former Cabinet Minister Gayatri Prajapati, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided 13 locations on Thursday in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Delhi. Mumbai in Maharashtra, Delhi, Lucknow, Amethi in Uttar Pradesh, and the homes of Gayatri Prajapati, his wife, and their sons were all searched. The searches are still being conducted in close cooperation with state police forces in accordance with the terms of the Money Laundering Act case that the ED started in 2021. The Uttar Pradesh Vigilance Department’s First Information Report (FIR) against Prajapati and his associates is the source of the case. Having disproportionate assets and engaging in illicit sand mining are two of the charges.
Four Mumbai apartments and multiple land parcels in Lucknow, owned by Prajapati, his family, and associates, were taken by the ED in January. The properties are estimated to be worth over Rs 13 crore. This action was taken in response to ED searches. The Enforcement Department (ED) claims that Prajapati misused his official position as the mining minister of Uttar Pradesh to obtain large assets in the names of close associates and family members that were out of proportion to his actual income. These assets did not match their known revenue streams. The former minister and his family are accused of money laundering, using fictitious transactions to acquire numerous assets while using illegal funds amassed during his time in government.
Furthermore, the agency claimed that Prajapati utilized bank accounts belonging to his family members to deposit illegitimate cash obtained from his unlawful activities.