The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted searches at four locations in Vellore on Friday, including the residence of Tamil Nadu Water Resources Minister Duraimurugan in Gandhi Nagar, Katpadi. The raids, part of ongoing investigations, began early in the morning and targeted properties linked to individuals associated with the minister.
Among the locations raided were Duraimurugan’s residence, Kingston College chaired by his son and Vellore MP Kathir Anand, and properties belonging to Pallikondan-based businessman Pooncholai Srinivasan and his relatives. Sources confirmed that both Minister Duraimurugan and MP Kathir Anand were not present in Vellore during the operation. Further details regarding the findings of the raids are awaited.
History of Raids on Duraimurugan and Family
This is not the first time properties linked to Duraimurugan and his family have come under scrutiny. During the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Kathir Anand contested from the Vellore constituency, and Income Tax officials raided Duraimurugan’s residence and a college owned by Kathir Anand on allegations of voter bribery. On March 29, 2019, officials seized Rs. 10.57 lakh from Duraimurugan’s residence.
The raids continued on April 1, 2019, with Income Tax officials targeting six additional locations, including a cement godown owned by a relative of Duraimurugan. These operations resulted in the seizure of Rs. 11.51 crore in cash, reportedly stored in bundles and boxes.
Allegations of Illegal Sand Quarrying
The ED is also reportedly investigating allegations of illegal sand quarrying activities linked to individuals associated with Duraimurugan. Five district collectors from Vellore, Ariyalur, Karur, Trichy, and Thanjavur have appeared before the ED in Chennai as part of the investigation into illegal sand mining operations.
Minister Responds to ED Actions
Minister Duraimurugan has previously maintained confidence in addressing inquiries by investigative agencies. During earlier incidents, he remarked that “doors are open to ED, need not knock,” in response to BJP state president K Annamalai’s remarks.
As investigations progress, the outcomes of the latest raids and their implications for Duraimurugan and his associates remain to be seen.