Actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut recently shared a photo on her Instagram story that became a hot topic on social media. The image featured Prime Minister Narendra Modi walking ahead of a woman dressed in a dark suit, leading to widespread speculation about her role. Many believed she might be a member of the elite Special Protection Group (SPG), which provides proximate security to the Prime Minister, former Prime Ministers, and their immediate family members.
Contrary to popular assumptions, security sources have confirmed that the woman in the photo is not an SPG commando. Instead, she is a Personal Security Officer (PSO) to President Droupadi Murmu. Holding the rank of Assistant Commandant in the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), she represents the dedication and professionalism of India’s paramilitary personnel. Her role underscores the critical contributions of women in safeguarding high-profile dignitaries.
India has been steadily increasing opportunities for women in its defense and security services. Women now command units in various branches, including air defense, signals, ordnance, intelligence, engineering, and service corps. The inclusion of women in these traditionally male-dominated fields marks a significant step toward greater gender equality in the nation’s defense forces.
Kangana Ranaut’s post, despite being uncaptioned, has inadvertently shone a spotlight on the empowering roles women occupy within India’s armed and paramilitary forces. The featured Assistant Commandant exemplifies the strength and competence of women serving in high-stakes, critical positions. Their growing presence in these roles symbolizes progress toward an inclusive and empowered future.
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