In a powerful address to the Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a strong swipe at the Congress party, accusing it of using “jumla” (empty promises) as a political tool. Highlighting the legacy of political slogans used by Congress over the years, he particularly targeted the iconic ‘Garibi Hatao’ (End Poverty) movement, which he claimed was the biggest “jumla” ever propagated by a single family over multiple generations.
PM Modi did not hold back in his criticism, stating that the ‘Garibi Hatao’ slogan, which was launched decades ago, failed to address the real issues of poverty in India. He argued that the slogan was more about political expediency than a genuine attempt to uplift the poor. “This was the biggest jumla run by one family for many generations,” Modi remarked, questioning the effectiveness of Congress’s promises made in the name of poverty alleviation.
In contrast to the Congress’s historical slogans, PM Modi emphasized the significant steps his government has taken to improve the dignity and living conditions of the poor. One of the landmark initiatives highlighted was the Swachh Bharat Mission, which laid the foundation for widespread sanitation reforms. “For the dignity of the poor, it was my government that began with the construction of toilets under the Swachh Bharat mission,” Modi said, stressing that improving public health and hygiene was one of the first priorities of his administration.
While the Congress relied on slogans like ‘Garibi Hatao’ to gain political traction, PM Modi’s government has focused on tangible reforms aimed at solving problems on the ground. The Swachh Bharat Mission, which has seen millions of toilets built across India, is a testament to this approach—focusing not just on rhetoric but on real, lasting changes that improve the lives of millions of Indians.
PM Modi’s remarks served as a sharp reminder of the Congress party’s track record on poverty alleviation and their history of making promises that went unfulfilled. In comparison, his government’s approach, he argued, is grounded in concrete actions and schemes aimed at empowering the underprivileged. By emphasizing initiatives like the Swachh Bharat Mission, Modi underscored the importance of moving from rhetoric to tangible reforms that truly benefit the nation’s most vulnerable populations.
ALSO READ: India Is Mother Of Democracy, Constitution Basis Of Our Unity: PM Modi
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