Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu held a review meeting of the Revenue Department on Tuesday, where he directed the launch of a special campaign to settle all pending revenue cases. While acknowledging that cases were being resolved through Revenue Lok Adalats, he emphasized the need to expedite the process, allowing citizens to avoid repeated visits to government offices.
CM Sukhu reiterated the government’s commitment to delivering services at people’s doorsteps, highlighting the importance of resolving pending revenue cases efficiently. He instructed all Divisional Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners to clear all correction cases by October 31, 2024.
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Additionally, he directed Deputy Commissioners to appoint a nodal officer in each district to review pending revenue matters and submit reports to the government, ensuring timely resolution. The Deputy Commissioners were also authorized to fill vacant positions up to Naib Tehsildar, with an adequate budget allocated for this purpose. CM Sukhu confirmed that he would review progress on this matter again in November.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister assessed the relief efforts for victims of last year’s disaster, noting that the state government had released ₹4,500 crore as a special relief package to support affected families fully.
Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi, Additional Chief Secretary Onkar Chand Sharma, Secretary to the Chief Minister Rakesh Kanwar, OSD to the Chief Minister Gopal Sharma, Settlement Officer Aditya Negi, and other senior officials attended the meeting, with all Deputy Commissioners participating virtually.
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