In a shocking case of honor killing, a 20-year-old woman, Tanu Gurjar, was allegedly shot dead by her father, Mahesh Gurjar, in Gwalior on Tuesday evening. The incident occurred just four days before Tanu’s wedding, which had been arranged by her family. The tragic crime unfolded in the Gola Ka Mandir area, with police and community members present at the scene.
Tanu had expressed her wish to marry her longtime partner, Bhikam “Vicky” Mawai, a resident of Agra, despite her family’s opposition. Earlier that day, she had posted a 52-second video on social media, accusing her family of pressuring her into an unwanted marriage and threatening her life.
“I want to marry Vicky. My family initially agreed but later refused. They beat me daily and threaten to kill me. If something happens to me, my family will be responsible,” she stated in the video.
The video prompted police intervention. Superintendent Dharmveer Singh and his team arrived at Tanu’s residence, where a community panchayat was also attempting to mediate. During the discussions, Tanu requested to be taken to a One-Stop Centre—a government facility providing support to women in crisis—for safety. However, her father insisted on speaking to her privately, claiming he could resolve the matter peacefully.
What followed was a horrifying escalation. Armed with a country-made firearm, Mahesh shot his daughter at close range in the chest. Simultaneously, Tanu’s cousin, Rahul, allegedly acted as an accomplice, firing additional shots that struck her forehead, neck, and the area between her eye and nose. Tanu collapsed and died on the spot.
The accused then turned their weapons on the police and family members, threatening further violence. While Mahesh was subdued and arrested, Rahul managed to escape with his pistol. The murder weapon used by Mahesh was seized, and a manhunt has been launched to apprehend Rahul.
The killing has left the community in shock, particularly as it occurred amidst preparations for Tanu’s wedding, scheduled for January 18. Tanu’s relationship with Vicky had reportedly lasted six years, but her family opposed the match, leading to growing tensions.
According to police officials, further investigation into the case is underway, including a review of Tanu’s social media accounts. “We are committed to ensuring justice in this heinous case. Efforts are ongoing to locate and arrest the second accused,” Superintendent Dharmveer Singh stated.