BJP leader Parvesh Verma has confirmed his intention to contest from the New Delhi Assembly seat in the upcoming elections, setting the stage for a direct challenge against incumbent Arvind Kejriwal of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Verma expressed confidence in his ability to win the seat, which has been under Kejriwal’s control for three consecutive terms.
Verma’s Confidence and Potential Alliance Speculation
In an interview with ANI, Verma declared, “I am preparing to contest from here. All the workers are supporting me, and we will definitely secure victory. The people are determined to give a fitting reply to Kejriwal.” The BJP leader also speculated about a potential alliance between Congress and AAP, citing their past collaboration in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
“I don’t trust Congress or AAP. It’s likely that at some point they will announce they are fighting together,” Verma added, hinting at a possible alliance despite previous claims of rivalry.
Meanwhile, Congress has named Sandeep Dikshit as their candidate for the New Delhi seat in the 2025 elections. Dikshit, who has been vocal about AAP’s shortcomings, criticized the party for its alleged corruption. “I thank the party for this opportunity. Over the past decade, whenever AAP failed to fulfill its promises, betrayed Delhi, or indulged in corruption, I raised my voice against it,” said Dikshit.
The Delhi Assembly elections are expected in early 2025, with the Election Commission of India yet to announce official dates. In the 2020 Assembly elections, AAP secured 62 out of 70 seats, while the BJP managed only 8, and Congress failed to win any.