In a heart-wrenching incident in Tamil Nadu’s Thandamalai, seven people, including five children, lost their lives after a massive rock and mudslide engulfed their house. The tragedy occurred on Monday night following heavy rainfall triggered by Cyclone Fenal.
The victims belonged to Rajkumar’s family, which included him, his wife, their two children, and two neighborhood kids. A large tree had earlier fallen, blocking the entrance to their home. Later, heavy rains caused a boulder and slushy mud to cascade down from a nearby mountain, burying the house entirely.
Despite the prompt arrival of rescue teams, including the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and state officials, all seven were found dead by the evening. Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin expressed his condolences and announced financial aid of ₹5 lakh for the victims’ families.
Congress MP, Rahul Gandhi shares, “Devastating news of Cyclone Fengal in Tamil Nadu. My heartfelt condolences to those who have lost loved ones during this tragedy. My thoughts are also with those whose homes and property have been damaged. I urge all Congress workers in the state to step forward and help the administration in relief efforts wherever possible.”
Rescue operations are ongoing as officials work to clear debris, while arrangements are being made for the final rites of the deceased. Cyclone Fenal has caused widespread devastation in the region, highlighting the urgency of disaster preparedness in vulnerable areas.
Also Read: Five Medical Students Killed In Tragic Road Accident In Kerala
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