India is on the verge of achieving a historic milestone with over one billion eligible voters, announced Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar during a press conference in New Delhi on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. He revealed that the nation’s electoral rolls now include nearly 99 crore voters, a figure poised to cross the billion mark soon.
Highlighting the significance of 2024 as a landmark year for global democracy, Mr. Kumar emphasized that two-thirds of the world’s democratic population participated in elections last year. India, too, witnessed polls in eight states and union territories, with the Lok Sabha elections setting new records for voter turnout and women’s participation.
“Electoral rolls were released yesterday. We are crossing 99 crore voters… We are going to be a nation of one billion voters very soon, which will be another record in voting,” said Mr. Kumar.
He further added that with the completion of the Special Summary Revision (SSR) results for states like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, and Punjab, the voter count will surpass 99 crore for the first time. Women voters are projected to form a substantial portion, with their numbers reaching approximately 48 crore.
This remarkable achievement underscores India’s growing democratic strength, reflecting increased political participation across diverse sections of society.
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