The Indian Army on Wednesday claimed to have rescued a trekker from the Gangbal lake area in the Ganderbal district of Jammu and Kashmir. Debasmita Rana, a trekker from West Bengal, was part of a team attempting the challenging Great Seven Lake Trek when she experienced severe health issues.
An official disclosed that Rana’s group was in the Zazibal Gali with intentions of going down to the twin lakes of Gangbal and Nundkol when the trekker started to have breathing difficulties. It did not take long for the tension to rise, as Rana began to faint, which warranted the response of the other trekkers.
It could be recalled that Rana was immediately taken to the Trunkhal army camp of the 34 Assam Rifles. The medical officer and his team attending the camp were quick to address and consult with the continuous oxygen supply and necessary medical attention needed for patients. The doctors’ fast and efficient action was vital in managing and halting her condition before it claimed her life.
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“Soon after that she went unconscious and was brought to Trunkhal army camp of 34 Assam rifles. The dedical officer and his team at the rescued her and administered continuous oxygen supply. Their swift response and audacious rescue mission saved her life,” he said.
Expressing her deep gratitude, Debasmita Rana thanked the Army for their life-saving efforts. She particularly praised the medical officer and the team of the 34 Assam Rifles for their swift response and professional care.
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