In a twist resembling a dramatic love story, Indian national Badal Babu from Uttar Pradesh has been arrested in Pakistan after illegally crossing the border to meet his Facebook friend, Sana Rani. The 21-year-old Pakistani woman reportedly told police she had no interest in marrying Babu despite their two-and-a-half-year friendship on the social media platform.
Punjab police officer Nasir Shah told reporters that Babu was apprehended in the Maung village of Mandi Bahauddin after he entered Pakistan without legal documentation. “In her statement to the police, Sana Rani said she had been friends with Babu on Facebook but wasn’t interested in a marital relationship with him,” Shah explained.
Following his arrest, Babu was charged under Pakistan’s Foreign Act sections 13 and 14. He is currently in judicial custody, with his next court appearance scheduled for January 10. While the police did not confirm whether Babu met Rani before his arrest, sources revealed that Pakistani intelligence officials have questioned Rani and her family about the nature of their relationship.
Back in India, Babu’s family expressed shock upon learning of his arrest through social media. “We were under the impression he was working in Delhi, only to find out he’s in a Pakistani jail. It’s unbelievable,” said his father, Kirpal Singh.
The family has since appealed to the Indian government, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to facilitate Babu’s release. “He’s never done anything like this before. We just want him back home,” his mother pleaded.
Aligarh Superintendent of Police (Rural), Amrit Jain, confirmed that the family had approached authorities for help. “We will coordinate with the Ministry of External Affairs and pursue the proper channels to secure his release,” Jain assured.
According to family sources, Babu left his Aligarh village in August, informing his parents that he was heading to Delhi for work. Later, in a video call, he reassured them he was safe and using a friend’s phone because he couldn’t afford one. However, it was later discovered that he had crossed the border near Jammu under mysterious circumstances.
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