In a heartbreaking incident, another Indian national from Kerala, TB Binil, has tragically lost his life while reportedly serving in the Russian military amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Binil, 32, a resident of Thrissur, was allegedly forced into service under dire circumstances after arriving in Russia with his relative, TK Jain, 27. Jain, who was also recruited, sustained injuries during the same incident and is currently receiving medical treatment in Moscow.
Binil and Jain had moved to Russia in April last year after completing a mechanical diploma from an Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in India. They came to Russia through a private agent on work visas. However, soon after arriving, local authorities allegedly confiscated their passports and coerced them into serving in the Russian Military Support Service.
The families, devastated by this turn of events, had been in constant contact with Indian officials to bring the men home. As the situation took a tragic turn, Binil’s wife, who had been tirelessly seeking help from the government, received the heartbreaking news of her husband’s death from the Indian Embassy in Moscow. Jain, still recovering from his injuries, remains hopeful for repatriation.
The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) expressed deep condolences to Binil’s family and confirmed that the Embassy in Moscow is actively working to bring his mortal remains back to India. They have also requested the early discharge and repatriation of Jain, who remains in a Moscow hospital.
This incident has left the village of Thrissur in shock, with the families now desperately hoping for timely action from both the Indian and Russian authorities to ensure the safe return of the remaining Indian nationals caught in similar circumstances.
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