Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray on Sunday launched a scathing attack on the BJP-led NDA over the delay in forming a government in Maharashtra following the state election results. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Thackeray accused the ruling party of disrespecting both Maharashtra and the Election Commission by failing to make a decision on the Chief Minister and the formation of the government more than a week after the results.
Thackeray stated that the delay not only insulted the state of Maharashtra, but also undermined the work of the Election Commission, which he described as the BJP’s “dearest” institution. He expressed his disappointment with the situation, noting that the process of government formation seemed to be dragged out unnecessarily, with no clear answers regarding who would lead the state.
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“To not be able to decide on a chief minister, and form government, for more than a week after result day, is not just an insult to Maharashtra… but also to the assistance provided by their dearest Election Commission,” Thackeray wrote, pointing out that the BJP’s inaction was causing a further delay in addressing the state’s pressing issues.
Criticizing the unilateral declaration of the swearing-in date by the BJP, Thackeray described the move as “anarchy.” He also took aim at Maharashtra’s caretaker Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, suggesting that he was using the delay to take a “mini vacation” while the state’s governance remained in limbo.
“It seems that rules only apply to the opposition parties, while rules don’t for some special ones. To declare the swearing-in date, unilaterally, without even staking claim to form government… is pure anarchy,” Thackeray said.
The Shiv Sena (UBT) leader also questioned why presidential rule had not yet been imposed in Maharashtra. He further pointed out that those capable of forming the government seemed to be prioritizing trips to Delhi rather than focusing on the state’s governance. Despite this, he congratulated the eventual leader who would take office, acknowledging the Election Commission’s role in the process.
The political landscape of Maharashtra remains uncertain as the delay continues, and Thackeray’s remarks have added fuel to the already intense political discourse surrounding the state’s leadership.
ALSO READ: Eknath Shinde Clears Air On ‘Mahayuti Coordination Issues’, Pledges Loyalty To Party Leadership
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