On Tuesday, Congress leader Jagdish Tytler filed an anticipatory bail plea in Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court in connection with the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case. The court issued a notice to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) regarding the matter. Last week, the same court summoned Jagdish Tytler after taking cognizance of the CBI chargesheet filed against him. The court directed Tytler to appear in court on August 5.
The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed a charge sheet against Jagdish Tytler on May 20, related to his alleged involvement in the anti-Sikh riots that occurred in 1984 following the assassination of the then Prime Minister of India on October 31, 1984. In the chargesheet, Tytler, who was a Member of Parliament at that time, was named as an accused.
The case in question pertains to an incident that took place on November 1, 1984, where a mob set fire to Gurudwara Pul Bangash at Azad Market, Bara Hindu Rao, Delhi, resulting in the death of three individuals: Sardar Thakur Singh, Badal Singh, and Gurcharan Singh.
The Justice Nanavati Commission of Inquiry was established by the Government of India in the year 2000 to investigate the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in Delhi. Based on the Commission’s report, the Ministry of Home Affairs directed the CBI to investigate the case against Tytler and others.
During the CBI’s investigation, evidence emerged that the accused allegedly instigated, incited, and provoked the mob at Gurudwara Pul Bangash, which led to the burning of the Gurudwara and the killing of three Sikh individuals, along with the looting and burning of shops.
On July 19, the court highlighted that the CBI had included Section 188 (Violation of order issued by the public servant) in the chargesheet and directed the agency to place the complaint under Section 195 CrPC by that public servant. The court further stated that it was required to take cognizance of the chargesheet and asked the CBI’s counsel to discuss the issue with the department and inform the court accordingly.
The court had earlier reserved an order on Cognizance of the supplementary charge sheet against Jagdish Tytler on July 7.
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