External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar spoke in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, saying that India-China relations have started to show signs of improvement. This is after a period of strained ties that began in 2020, following disruptions in peace and stability along the border due to actions by China. Jaishankar credited India’s armed forces for responding swiftly to Chinese troop movements despite logistical difficulties and the challenges posed by Covid.
According to Jaishankar, there are already some border issues resolved in recent military and diplomatic conversations, such as the agreement in October to patrol areas along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). He said India remains committed to engaging with China to create a fair and mutually acceptable boundary resolution framework.
Jaishankar said that India remains committed to discussing de-escalation and effective management of border activities. “In the coming days, we will discuss both de-escalation and effective management of activities in the border areas. The conclusion of the disengagement phase now enables us to focus on other aspects of our bilateral engagement,” he stated.
He accepted that tensions and specific developments over the border areas had created an overall negative impact on bilateral relations. Jaishankar emphasized that the foremost focus had been on securing disengagement from friction points, which has now been done in full.
He clarified that national security remains the number one priority for India. The minister shared that in the latest meeting held with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, an agreement has been reached to convene the special representatives and the foreign secretary-level mechanism soon.
Jaishankar concluded, “Keeping our national security interests foremost, in my recent meeting with foreign minister Wang Yi, we reached an understanding that the special representatives and the foreign secretary-level mechanism will be convened soon.” He reaffirmed that India would continue to remain committed to bilateral talks to work towards a fair and reasonable resolution to the border issue. He also noted that managing border areas effectively would require heightened attention given recent experiences and outlined three principles that must be upheld in all circumstances.
ALSO READ: S. Jaishankar On India-China Border Dispute: ‘We Remain Committed To Engage With China’
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