Jharkhand Police paid a reward of Rs 10 lakh to the husband of a Spanish woman accused of being a terrorist in Dumka on Friday. According to the police report, the incident took place under the jurisdiction of Hansidihar police station when the Spanish woman was traveling from West Bengal to Nepal.
“We have carried out a quick investigation and are providing all assistance to the victim and her husband on behalf of the local government. We have given them Rs 10 lakh as Victim Compensation. We are working quickly to bring the perpetrators to book,” Deputy Commissioner Anjaneyulu Dodde said on Monday. said.
The woman and her husband were cycling across India and resting in their tent when the attack occurred. In a remote village of Kulmahat, the surviving husband thanked the police for their quick search
According to a police source, 7 people were involved in the incident , 3 people were arrested. They were taken into custody after appearing in the local court on Sunday.
This incident led to the Bharatiya Janata Party’s strong condemnation of the state government. “This situation is bad for the country. It shows that the law and order situation here is bad and it is not safe even for foreigners. The police must act immediately and the government must take action against these criminals. This government has failed.” Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Anant Ojha said on Saturday.
Reacting to the incident, Jharkhand Minister Banna Gupta confirmed that the state government was determined to take strict action against the accused.
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