A renowned private school in Dhanbad, Jharkhand, has been criticized after its principal, upset over an event celebration, allegedly forced Class 10 girl students to remove their shirts and go home wearing only their blazers.
The incident took place on Thursday during “Pen Day,” marking the students’ final exam day. As part of the celebration, students wrote good wishes on each other’s shirts. About 100 female students participated. The principal reportedly disapproved of this activity. Consequently, the students were scolded, made to remove their shirts, and not allowed to wear them again. They were sent home in their blazers.
Distressed by the incident, many students recounted their ordeal to their parents, some in tears. A video of the upset students has surfaced on social media, with many describing the day as ‘traumatic’.
The incident has sparked outrage among parents, who visited the Deputy Commissioner’s office demanding strict action against the principal. Local legislator Ragini Singh also accompanied the parents, calling the incident “unfortunate and shameful”. During a discussion with Deputy Commissioner Madhavi Mishra, parents expressed their anger, calling the principal’s actions ‘draconian’ and ‘humiliating’.
Mishra assured parents and the legislator that the matter was being taken seriously. She announced the formation of a committee to investigate and promised stringent action against those found guilty.”As a woman, it is shocking to see such behaviour towards young girls. The administration is committed to ensuring justice in this case,” Ragini Singh said. Further investigation into the matter is underway.
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