The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF), known for its dairy products under the Nandini brand, has teamed up with Chai Point for the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj. This collaboration promises a monumental tea experience, with plans to serve over 1 crore cups of tea at the event, aiming for a Guinness World Record for the highest number of teacups sold at a single gathering.
Chai Point has set up 10 stores within the sprawling Mela grounds, ensuring that visitors can enjoy a refreshing cup of tea made with Nandini’s “rich and high-quality” milk. With the Maha Kumbh Mela taking place from January 13 to February 26, it is expected to attract millions of pilgrims and visitors from around the world, making this an incredible platform for Nandini to connect with a diverse audience.
Apart from tea, the Chai Point outlets will feature a selection of Nandini’s other products, including milkshakes and sweets, offering a complete taste of Karnataka’s dairy excellence. The partnership highlights Nandini’s strategic push to strengthen its presence in North India while continuing to offer premium dairy products to customers across the country.
KMF Managing Director B Shivaswamy expressed excitement about the collaboration, stating, “This is a unique opportunity for Nandini to showcase its products to a wide audience and reinforce our presence in North India. We are excited to be a part of this historic event and contribute to its success.”
This partnership marks an important milestone for Nandini, showcasing the brand’s growing footprint and commitment to quality in India’s dairy sector.