A disturbing case of widespread sexual abuse has emerged in Kerala, where an 18-year-old athlete has accused 64 men, including her coaches, classmates, and neighbors, of sexually exploiting her over a period of five years. The allegations, which have led to the registration of a POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) case, have sent shockwaves through the region, prompting immediate police action.
The victim, a district-level athlete, revealed that she had been subjected to abuse since she was just 13 years old. According to the initial investigation, the abuse began with her boyfriend, who allegedly handed her over to his friends. Shockingly, one of the accused, who is already in prison for a separate rape case, has been identified as part of this disturbing cycle of abuse.
Abuse Starts at Age 13
The survivor disclosed the abuse to the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) through counseling provided by the Kerala Mahila Samakhya Society. According to reports, the girl’s abuse started in 2019 when she was 13 years old. She had not previously informed her family about the abuse, which went unnoticed by her parents for years. Some of the perpetrators used her father’s phone to contact her, and her nude photos were leaked during the abuse. The girl’s phone contained saved contacts of 32 alleged abusers, and several perpetrators reportedly took advantage of these photos to exploit her further.
Investigation Underway: Five Arrests Made
As the case unfolded, Pathanamthitta District Police initiated a special investigation led by Police Chief VG Vinod Kumar. Police have already arrested five people in connection with the case, and ten others have been taken into police custody as investigations continue. The police are currently working across two police stations: Pathanamthitta and Elavumthitta. More arrests are expected as the investigation progresses.
The CWC has ensured that the victim is provided with necessary counseling and support. The victim has been shifted to a shelter home for her protection. Psychological counseling is being offered to help her deal with the trauma, and further investigation is underway. The girl’s family, unaware of the abuse she endured, is now fully informed and cooperating with authorities.
Authorities Aim to Identify All Involved
Advocate N Rajeev, who heads the Pathanamthitta CWC, stated that the abuse continued over the years, especially during the victim’s participation in various sports camps. Psychologists working with the victim, in collaboration with the Nirbhaya scheme, are working to verify her claims and collect more evidence. Authorities are examining the phone records of the victim’s father to identify additional perpetrators, and the investigation will expand as more details emerge.
The investigation remains ongoing, with authorities committed to bringing all those responsible for this horrific abuse to justice. The CWC is prioritizing the emotional well-being of the survivor and ensuring her safety.