Prominent businessman Boby Chemmanur, also known as ‘BoChe’ has been arrested by the Kochi city police on Wednesday in connection with a sexual harassment case filed by Malayalam actress Honey Rose. The arrest came after the police registered a case against him under non-bailable sections, including Section 75 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. Chemmanur, a well-known entrepreneur who runs a jewelry chain and other business ventures, was held from his estate in Wayanad.
The case stems from a complaint filed by Honey Rose, accusing Chemmanur of making repeated obscene and insulting remarks against her. Rose has been vocal about the harassment she faced, claiming that Chemmanur’s actions were both degrading and distressing.
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Following the Instagram post from the actress, netizens reacted strongly against the obscene remarks made by Boby Chemmanur. They extended their support to the actress and condemned such cyber attacks against women.
Actress expressed her relief, stating that it was a significant relief to see the police take swift action. She further mentioned that it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders now that the businessman, who had been making hurtful comments against her for some time, had been held accountable.
SIT Formed
A Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed to investigate the details of the case. Chemmanur had reportedly planned to file anticipatory bail pleas on Wednesday, but his arrest occurred before this could take place. He now faces charges under non-bailable sections, which could lead to serious legal consequences.
The arrest has drawn widespread attention, with Kerala’s Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan offering moral support to the actress. He assured the public that stringent police action would follow. The Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) also expressed solidarity with Honey Rose, condemning the alleged actions and supporting her through this difficult time.
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