A bizarre theft took place at a petrol pump in Madhya Pradesh’s Machalpur district on Saturday night, where the thief was seen offering prayers to a deity before stealing a significant amount of money. CCTV footage from the incident shows the man, dressed in a blue jacket, entering the office of the petrol pump at around 1 am. The thief saw a ‘puja’ area in the office; he paused, bowed before the deity, and offered prayers.
After taking Darshan, the thief continued his operation of robbing the almirahs and other drawers with cash. He bagged ₹1.57 lakh successfully and reached behind a CCTV camera installed outside. He tried to adjust or put off the camera, but he was not able to do so. Not aware that another camera was capturing every moment, he exited after making a final bow to the god he had made earlier.
At the time of the theft, there were employees of a fuel bank nearby who were sleeping. When they woke up, they ran after him but could not catch up. The police later discovered an iron rod and a saree at the scene.
The Machalpur Police have started an inquiry and are working to nab the thief. The in-charge of police, Jitendra Singh, confirmed that this was a case of theft by one person only, and the stolen amount was ₹1.57 lakh.
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