West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday hailed the speedy delivery of justice in a case involving the rape and murder of a minor girl in Joynagar. A POCSO court in Baruipur sentenced the accused to death, marking a significant milestone in the state’s approach to crimes against women and children. The case was resolved within just 62 days of the crime, setting a precedent for prompt legal action.
Mamata Banerjee, while expressing her views on social media platform X, appreciated the efforts of the state police and legal officials for their efficiency in securing the conviction. She underscored her government’s commitment to ensuring safety and justice for women.
The accused in the brutal rape and murder case of a minor girl in Joynagar on October 4, 2024, has been given death sentence today by the POCSO court at Baruipur. The state’s history will go without a precedent where a conviction and capital punishment has come in less than two months,” she wrote.
She further emphasized the state’s zero-tolerance policy on crimes against women and children by saying, “The government is determined to ensure that justice is neither delayed nor denied.”
The event that created widespread outrage in the society raised questions about the state’s interest in accelerating cases of such heinous crimes. The acknowledgment by the Chief Minister regarding the efforts put by police and prosecution emphasizes the role of a strong justice system to address gender-based violence.
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