In a shocking incident in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, a man allegedly killed 28 pet pigeons of his neighbor, sparking outrage and concern. The incident occurred on the night of January 7, 2025, in Scindia Nagar when Kajal Rai, the complainant, discovered the gruesome act on her terrace. Kajal, who had 50 tamed pigeons on her terrace, found that 28 of them had been murdered.
The police report states that Kajal heard some noise coming from her terrace on the night of the incident. Upon investigating, she found Mohit Khan, a neighbor, on her terrace. When she questioned him, Mohit fled the scene and went into his house. Upon further inspection, Kajal was horrified to find the dead pigeons, while the remaining pigeons were hiding in panic, unable to fly.
According to Kajal, Mohit Khan had previously expressed objections about the pigeons, and there had been ongoing disputes between the two regarding the presence of the birds. The cruelty of the act was revealed when an autopsy report confirmed that the pigeons had been killed by having their necks twisted. The Forest Department was notified, and the dead pigeons were buried.
The police have registered a case against Mohit Khan under Section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, and Section 325 of BNS. They have initiated a search for the accused, who is currently at large. Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Niranjan Sharma confirmed that an FIR had been filed, and the investigation is ongoing.
This incident has raised questions about animal cruelty and the need for stricter laws to protect pets and animals from harm.
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