In an unusual incident in Gujarat’s Surat, a 32-year-old man, Mayur Tarapara, deliberately severed four fingers of his left hand to avoid working at his relative’s diamond firm. The shocking act, carried out with a sharp knife, was initially disguised as an accident, but a police investigation revealed that it was a calculated move to render himself unfit for his role as a computer operator at Anabh Gems in Varachha Mini Bazaar.
On December 8, Tarapara claimed he felt dizzy while riding his motorcycle near Vedanta Circle in Amroli and passed out. Upon regaining consciousness, he alleged that four fingers were missing from his hand, sparking suspicions of foul play, including rumors of black magic. However, the Crime Branch took over the investigation, unraveling the truth through CCTV footage and technical surveillance.
During interrogation, Tarapara admitted to self-inflicting the injury. He confessed to purchasing a sharp knife from a shop in Singanpore and executing the act near Amroli Ring Road. To stem the blood flow, he tied a rope near his elbow before disposing of the severed fingers and knife in separate bags.
His friends rushed him to the hospital after the incident. Police later recovered three of the fingers and the knife used.
According to the Crime Branch, Tarapara lacked the courage to resign directly from his job at Anabh Gems. He resorted to this drastic measure to avoid confrontation with his relative, who owns the firm. He believed that losing his fingers would make him unfit for his desk job in the accounts department.
Initially, the case was filed at Amroli police station, with suspicions ranging from a random attack to occult practices. However, the Crime Branch’s thorough investigation exposed the bizarre truth. Authorities are now conducting further probes into the incident.
This peculiar incident has left many in Surat baffled. The lengths to which Tarapara went to escape his professional obligations highlight the psychological strain he must have been under.
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