A chilling and heartbreaking incident has unfolded in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, where a man brutally murdered his wife just 8 months after marrying her. The crime was committed on Tulaheda Road at Ghattia Tehsil near the Government College. After committing the heinous act, the accused, Jagdish who is stated to be 45 years old, walked into the local police station and owned up to the crime.
The murder took place on a Monday morning when Jagdish and his wife, 40-year-old Shivani alias Manju, had a fight at their house. The police said that the argument between the two soon became fierce, and in a temper, Jagdish attacked his wife with a sword and slit her throat. Once he has committed the murder, Jagdish went peacefully to a police station close by and surrendered by confessing to the ghastly crime.
In his confession to the police, Jagdish explained the motive behind the murder. According to him, after the death of his first wife, he married Shivani, a divorced woman. He grew suspicious about the character of his new wife, believing she was having an affair with some man. These thoughts created continuous arguments between him and his wife. Jagdish admitted that on the morning of the murder, they had yet another dispute over this issue, which ultimately led to the violent attack.
“I had doubts about my wife’s character. I suspected she was having an affair, and we fought over this. In the heat of the moment, I attacked her with a sword,” Jagdish confessed to the police.
Shivani, who was reportedly divorced earlier, had married Jagdish through a court marriage just 8 months ago. Jagdish had some severe suspicions about her loyalty, and the investigations revealed that she was quarreling with him a lot.
Upon receiving information about the murder, local police with DSP Bharat Singh and police station in-charge Devilal Dasoria reached the crime scene to start their probe. The police collected evidence and sent Shivani’s body for post-mortem. Jagdish has been taken into custody during questioning and is under interrogation.
Additional Superintendent of Police confirmed that a case has been registered, and the investigation is underway. The police are investigating all angles of the case, the allegations raised by Jagdish and the troubled history of the couple.
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