Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday highlighted the significance of the Mukhyamantri Samuhik Vivah Yojana (Chief Minister’s Mass Wedding Scheme), calling it a symbol of social equality and a bold step against societal evils like the dowry system. Addressing a gathering at the Hindustan Fertilizer and Chemicals Limited complex in Gorakhpur, he blessed 1,200 couples who entered the sacred bond of marriage under this initiative.
Aiming for 400,000 Marriages Under the Mass Wedding Scheme
CM Yogi underscored the program’s inclusive nature, emphasizing that it transcends caste, creed, religion, region, or language. “Hindus, Muslims, and people of other faiths are coming together to get married according to their respective traditions. This initiative is not just a wedding ceremony but also a fight against dowry, child marriage, and untouchability,” he said.
He pointed out the social issues faced by families unable to marry off their daughters due to dowry demands. “Through this program, young men and women are setting an example by rejecting the dowry system,” Yogi remarked.
Since the scheme’s inception in 2017, the Uttar Pradesh government has facilitated 384,000 marriages, a figure expected to cross 400,000 this session. “We aim to ensure that no daughter remains unmarried due to dowry,” said Yogi, adding that mass weddings are being conducted in every district to achieve this goal.
Government’s Welfare Initiatives Recognized under Mass Wedding Scheme
Linking the initiative to broader welfare schemes, Yogi noted that good governance brings about transformative programs. He praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership since 2014, citing initiatives like Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, free gas connections, and housing for the poor as landmark achievements.
“Earlier, lack of toilets in homes compromised women’s dignity. Dangerous fumes from wood and coal used for cooking harmed their health. Today, free gas connections and toilets in every household have resolved these issues,” he said. Additionally, Yogi announced that free LPG cylinders would be distributed during Holi and Diwali.
The CM also highlighted pensions for widows, differently-abled individuals, and the elderly, as well as educational schemes for children of laborers. Under the Kanya Sumangala Yojana, 20 lakh girls have received ₹25,000 each to support their self-reliance.
Mass Wedding Scheme Celebrates a Unique Festival of Unity
Calling the mass wedding program a “festival,” Yogi said it’s an event where the chief minister, along with several public representatives, personally attends to bless the couples. “It’s rare for me to attend a single wedding, but this occasion is special because it unites 1,200 couples,” he noted.
The CM also commended the administrative efforts in hosting the ceremony, saying, “Today, the families and couples are fortunate as they are receiving official invitations for their marriage.”
Gifts, Blessings, and Personal Interaction
During the ceremony, Yogi personally presented gift kits to ten newlywed couples on stage. The couples, representing both Hindu and Muslim communities, received blessings from the CM, who wished them a happy and prosperous married life.
Yogi also visited the main mandap (wedding pavilion) to inspect arrangements and interacted warmly with couples and their families. Noticing children attending as part of the wedding procession, he smiled and handed them chocolates, adding a personal touch to the joyous event.
Leaders and Officials in Attendance
The event was graced by several dignitaries, including Gorakhpur Mayor Dr. Manglesh Srivastava, MLAs Rajesh Tripathi (Chillupar) and Mahendra Pal Singh (Pipraich), along with BJP district president Yudhishthir Singh and city president Rajesh Gupta. Addressing the gathering, these leaders commended the government’s efforts to uplift marginalized communities and ensure social harmony through such initiatives.
The Mukhyamantri Samuhik Vivah Yojana is not just about weddings but also a government-led campaign against social evils like dowry and child marriage. “This is our way of ensuring no daughter suffers due to societal pressures,” Yogi concluded, marking the event as a milestone in fostering equality and dignity in society.