Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently made his podcast debut by appearing on People by WTF, hosted by Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath. Speculation about the special guest began earlier this week when Kamath teased a cryptic trailer on social media platform X, sparking excitement among his followers.
The teaser featured PM Modi expressing hope that Kamath’s audience would enjoy their conversation. “This is the first time I have appeared on a podcast. I don’t know how your viewers will react,” said a smiling PM Modi, to which Kamath responded that it was an honor to sit and chat with the Prime Minister. PM Modi later reposted Kamath’s announcement, sharing his enthusiasm for the episode.
I hope you all enjoy this as much as we enjoyed creating it for you!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 9, 2025
The trailer hints at a range of topics discussed during the conversation, including the intersection of politics, leadership, and entrepreneurship. “I’m not sure if anyone has explored these similarities to this extent,” Kamath remarked.
PM Modi also reflected on his journey in leadership, sharing a candid moment from his tenure as Gujarat’s Chief Minister. “In a speech in Gujarat, I had told people that I, too, make mistakes. I am human, not a god,” he said, showcasing his down-to-earth approach.
The conversation touched on pressing global issues, including conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine. Addressing Kamath’s question on India’s stance, PM Modi stated, “We are not neutral; we stand firmly on the side of peace.”
The exchange also included lighter moments, such as Kamath joking about his struggles with Hindi, which drew a warm laugh from the Prime Minister.
The full episode promises to offer a rare glimpse into PM Modi’s perspectives on leadership, global affairs, and his personal journey. It’s already generating buzz as one of the most anticipated podcast episodes in recent times.