The driver of renowned musician Sonu Nigam’s father was arrested on Wednesday by Mumbai police for allegedly taking Rs 72 lakh from his apartment. According to authorities, the singer’s father, Agam Kumar Nigam, was suspicious of his former driver, Rehan. “An FIR was made against him at Oshiwara police station based on his father’s testimony, who has doubts regarding his former driver Rehan,” stated a Mumbai Police official.
According to the police, Rehan had been working for the singer’s father for around eight months but wasn’t very successful at his job, so he was sacked. Nikita Nigam, Sonu Nigam’s sister, stated that her father put the stolen Rs 72 lakh in a digital vault constructed within a wooden cabinet.
“Around 12 noon on Sunday, Agamkumar went to his daughter Nikita’s house in the Versova area for lunch and returned after some time to find the almirah of his house open and Rs 40 lakh missing. He immediately rang up his daughter, informing her that Rs 40 lakh had been stolen from his digital locker in the wooden cupboard,” the complaint read.
“The next day, Agamkumar and his daughter went to Sonu Nigam’s house for some visa-related work and when they returned in the evening, they found the balance amount of Rs 32 lakh missing from the locker,” the complaint stated further.
“Agam Kumar Nigam and Nikita checked the CCTV footage of their society in which their driver, Rehaan, was seen carrying the bag towards his flat on both days,” the officer added.
A manhunt for Rehan is also underway, according to police.
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