Jaisalmer, known for its vast sand dunes and scorching summer temperatures, has been struck by an unusual and baffling incident. While digging a tubewell in Taragarh village, located in the Mohangarh police station area, a powerful and unexpected stream of water began gushing from the ground. The situation quickly turned dangerous, with the surrounding fields being submerged by the rising water. The digging machinery, including a truck, was overwhelmed by the sudden surge, getting stuck and engulfed by the water.
As the water pressure surged, the situation escalated rapidly, leading to panic in the village. Local authorities were alerted, and soon, police and administrative officials were on the scene. The Deputy Tehsildar and Executive Magistrate issued urgent safety instructions, advising residents in nearby houses to move to safer locations immediately. Furthermore, the general public was prohibited from entering within a 500-meter radius of the incident site, as the situation remained unpredictable and dangerous.
What makes this incident even more intriguing is its location. The tubewell was being dug in an area known to be part of the ancient Saraswati River. Groundwater scientist Narayan Das has referred to this unusual event as an “avalanche condition” in geology, describing it as a rare occurrence. According to Das, this phenomenon is not typical and could continue for several days. He cautioned people against visiting the area until the situation normalizes, emphasizing the need for safety in the face of these unusual natural events.
This incident has sparked discussions about the possible re-emergence of the Saraswati River, which was once a significant water source in ancient India but is now considered extinct. The connection between the water surge and the Saraswati River has added a layer of mystery and intrigue to the already alarming situation.
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