On Thursday, pro-Kannada organisations staged a protest in front of the Amul Milk office in Bengaluru, urging Amul to stop allegedly opposing the Karnataka Milk Federation’s (KMF) Nandini milk products in New Delhi. Protesters claim that viral videos and media reports suggest attempts by Amul and other organisations to obstruct Nandini’s access to the Delhi market.
The Allegations Against Amul
In a letter addressed to the Gujarat Milk Producers Cooperative Federation, pro-Kannada organisations accused Amul of hindering Nandini’s sales and inciting negative sentiment against the brand. They emphasized that Nandini, built by the collective efforts of Karnataka farmers, has earned consumer trust through its quality.
The letter stated, “Recently, KMF has taken steps to sell Nandini milk products in New Delhi, receiving a positive response. However, media reports suggest attempts to block Nandini’s access, which is highly condemnable.”
A Call for Fair Competition
While acknowledging that Amul is also a farmer-supported cooperative, the organisations called for healthy competition based on quality, not market disruption. They argued, “India is a federation of states, and we have every right to expand our market within the Indian Union or globally.”
Pro-Kannada groups criticized what they termed as “malicious moves” to obstruct Nandini’s expansion, warning that if such actions continue, they would be compelled to boycott Amul and Mother Dairy products in Karnataka.
Potential Boycott in Karnataka
The letter concluded with a stern warning: “If the sale of Nandini products in Delhi is hindered, we will organize efforts to prevent the sale of Amul products in Karnataka.”
As of now, Amul, Mother Dairy, and the Gujarat Milk Producers Cooperative Federation have not issued any response to these allegations.
This protest highlights growing tensions in India’s dairy sector, as cooperative giants like Amul and regional brands such as Nandini compete for market share. With consumers in Delhi showing a favorable response to Nandini products, the outcome of this dispute could shape market dynamics in the Indian dairy industry.