On Wednesday, the Dwarka Court in Delhi granted Sahil Gehlot a five-day remand to the Crime Branch of the Delhi Police to interrogate him and determine where he went after the alleged crime. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Archana Beniwal granted police custody for five days. Sahil Gehlot was placed in police custody for five days by Delhi police. On Wednesday, he appeared in Dwarka court. The team was led by ACP Rajkumar.
The investigation officer stated in court that the location of the alleged offence must be determined. The path he took after the crime must also be determined. The court inquired as to why five days of police custody were required.
The IO requested that the accused be taken to locations where he was seen with the deceased. He also stated that some searches and recovery efforts must be made. The crime branch apprehended Sahil on Tuesday. On February 9, he allegedly murdered Nikki, his live-in partner. He is accused of murdering her while she was pressuring him to marry her. He is also accused of marrying another woman after the alleged crime.
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