A Hyderabad cab driver’s warning note to passengers has gone viral on social media, leaving the internet amused. The note, which was shared on X (formerly Twitter) by a user named Venkatesh and reposted by ‘Hi Hyderabad’, offers a firm yet humorous piece of advice: “Warning!! No romance. This is a cab, not your private place… so please keep distance and stay calm.” Specifically addressing couples, the driver asks for respectful behavior inside the cab.
The note quickly captured attention online, sparking laughter and reactions from users. One person commented, “An ethical and essential message for cab passengers,” while another added, “Damn. Saw these in Bangalore and Delhi. Didn’t expect this in Hyderabad so soon.”
Interestingly, this isn’t the first time a cab driver’s set of rules has gone viral. Just a week prior, a Bengaluru cab driver’s list of quirky guidelines had also made waves on Reddit. The list, displayed behind the driver’s seat, outlined several straightforward rules aimed at promoting respectful passenger behavior, including one that read, “You are not the owner of the cab.”
Reactions to the viral notes have been mixed. While some users found the rules amusing and reasonable, others questioned the inclusion of certain points, such as the instruction not to refer to drivers as *bhaiya* (brother). One user joked, “Uncle it is. Always helps in inflicting emotional damage,” adding to the playful tone of the conversation online.
These incidents highlight the creative and direct ways drivers are addressing passenger behavior, leaving a lasting impression on social media.
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