Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to lay the foundation stone for a new college at the University of Delhi on Friday, named after the freedom fighter Veer Savarkar. The college, located in Najafgarh, was approved by the university’s executive council in 2021. Along with this, the Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stones for two additional campuses in East and West Delhi. These projects aim to provide greater opportunities for students by expanding educational infrastructure.
The Vice Chancellor of Delhi University, Yogesh Singh, expressed pride in the upcoming projects, highlighting that they would create more seats and provide new educational opportunities within the next 1.5 to 2 years. The two campuses in East and West Delhi, along with the Veer Savarkar College in Najafgarh, will help address the growing demand for quality higher education in the capital.
NSUI Calls for Renaming the College
The announcement of the college’s name has sparked controversy. The Congress-affiliated student organization, the National Students’ Union of India (NSUI), has written to Prime Minister Modi requesting that the college be named after former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh instead of Veer Savarkar. NSUI highlighted Singh’s significant contributions to India’s education and governance, particularly his role in founding major institutions like IITs, IIMs, and AIIMS.
The NSUI believes that naming the college after Manmohan Singh would be a fitting tribute to his legacy, especially following his recent passing on December 26, 2024. They also urged the government to include Singh’s journey and achievements in academic curricula, and to establish a central university in his name.
The Debate Over Legacy
The call for renaming the college underscores the ongoing debate over how India should honor its historical figures. While Veer Savarkar’s contributions to the freedom struggle are well-recognized, Manmohan Singh’s role in modernizing the Indian economy and his focus on education have left an indelible mark on the country’s development. This clash of legacies reflects broader discussions about how the country commemorates its leaders and their impact on Indian society.
The foundation-laying ceremony will be a significant moment for Delhi University, but the controversy surrounding the name will likely continue to spark conversations about the nation’s historical figures and their rightful recognition.
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