A violent clash between two groups in Laharwadi village, Nuh district of Haryana, resulted in the tragic death of a 24-year-old physically challenged woman named Shehnaz, police reported on Saturday. The altercation stemmed from an ongoing dispute over the arrest of suspects in an eight-month-old murder case.
Shehnaz, who had a walking disability, was allegedly set on fire by members of a rival group, according to her family. They claim she was doused with petrol and burned alive.
However, opposing claims suggest that Shehnaz committed self-immolation. “The woman’s death during the clash is under investigation. We are working to uncover the truth,” said Pradeep Kumar, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Punhana.
The tension in the village traces back to the murder of a youth, Rizwan, eight months earlier, reportedly due to a dispute over soil dumping in a field. Police had registered a case against 24 individuals in connection with the murder.
Three suspects—Salim, Muttal, and Mojuda—were arrested, while the others fled the village.
On Thursday, both parties were summoned to the Punhana police station for a discussion in the presence of DSP Pradeep Kumar. Villagers expressed concerns over the return of the accused to the village.
The situation escalated on Friday afternoon when the accused returned, leading to a protest by Rizwan’s family. The two groups began pelting stones at one another, further fueling the conflict.
Following the incident, tensions have risen in Laharwadi, prompting the deployment of additional police personnel to maintain peace. Authorities are investigating the circumstances of Shehnaz’s death and the larger altercation.
ALSO READ: Nuh Violence: Woman Dies In Fire During Clashes Between Two Groups In Haryana
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