In a dramatic turn of events in India’s political arena, the Congress-led INDIA opposition bloc has moved a no-confidence motion against Rajya Sabha Chairperson Jagdeep Dhankhar. The motion, submitted on Tuesday morning, comes on the back of allegations of his “partisan” handling of the House’s proceedings. The opposition’s move has brought the spotlight back to the ongoing political battle, with chaos in Parliament over a series of controversial issues, including alleged ties between Congress leaders and businessman George Soros.
Opposition’s Call for a No-Confidence Vote
The no-confidence motion was signed by MPs from a broad spectrum of parties including Congress, Trinamool Congress (TMC), Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Samajwadi Party (SP), Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). The motion was submitted to the Rajya Sabha Secretariat, in what appears to be a strong but unlikely challenge to Dhankhar’s leadership.
While the motion has garnered substantial support from across the opposition, sources in the Trinamool Congress (TMC) have indicated that its success is unlikely. The opposition lacks the numbers needed in the Rajya Sabha to pass the motion, and similar concerns exist about its chances in the Lok Sabha as well. Nevertheless, the opposition has pushed forward with this move, reportedly acting more on principle than expecting a victory.
The Allegations and the Political Backdrop
The no-confidence motion comes after a particularly chaotic session in Parliament, where BJP and opposition MPs clashed over various issues. One of the key issues that sparked the confrontation was the BJP’s attack on senior Congress leaders, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, over their alleged links with George Soros and a media organization partly funded by Soros’ foundation. BJP leaders, including JP Nadda, called for a discussion on these links, accusing the Gandhis of maligning India’s image and raising national security concerns.
The Congress, however, strongly refuted these allegations, with Mallikarjun Kharge countering Nadda’s remarks. The heated exchanges in the Rajya Sabha, marked by shouting matches and adjournments, eventually led to the opposition’s call for Dhankhar’s removal. The opposition contends that Dhankhar’s handling of the situation was biased, pointing out that he allowed comments against Sonia Gandhi but denied BJP MPs the chance to discuss their grievances.
Dhankhar’s Response and BJP’s Stance
In response to the opposition’s motion, the BJP has shown no signs of backing down. Union Minister Giriraj Singh accused Congress of playing foul by avoiding the issue of Soros’ alleged connections, claiming that the opposition was preventing a much-needed discussion in the House. Singh’s remarks were echoed by BJP MPs who continued to press for a probe into the alleged links between the Gandhis, Soros, and certain international organizations.
As the no-confidence motion gathers momentum, the issue has also brought the United States government into the fray. The US government has expressed disappointment over the BJP’s accusations that American agencies are colluding with Soros and other organizations to destabilize India. The US clarified that it supports independent organizations in their work but does not influence their editorial decisions.
Political Fallout and Future of the Motion
Despite the opposition’s efforts, experts believe the no-confidence motion against Dhankhar is unlikely to succeed due to the numbers game in Parliament. However, the political messaging behind the motion is clear. The opposition is pushing for accountability and calling out what it perceives as biased conduct by the Rajya Sabha Chairperson.
At the heart of this political drama lies the growing tension between the ruling BJP and the opposition, fueled by allegations, counter-allegations, and increasingly partisan rhetoric. With both sides refusing to back down, it remains to be seen how this political crisis will unfold in the coming days.
The motion to remove Rajya Sabha Chairperson Jagdeep Dhankhar marks a significant escalation in the ongoing tussle between the ruling BJP and the opposition. As Parliament continues to grapple with its internal conflicts, the move by the Congress-led INDIA bloc underscores the deepening divides in Indian politics. The motion may not succeed, but its symbolism and the issues it raises will likely continue to dominate discussions in the days ahead.
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