A special Rs 75 coin and a stamp were launched on Sunday, May 28, to mark the inauguration of the new Parliament building. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new Parliament building and installed the historic ‘Sengol’ in the new Lok Sabha chamber. The Sengol marked the transfer of power from the British to the Indians in 1947.
According to ANI, the principal design at the head of the coin is the Lion Capital of Ashoka Pilla in the center with ‘Satyamev Jayate’ inscribed below. The Ashoka Pillar is flanked by the word ‘Bharat’ in Devnagri script on the left periphery. On the right periphery, ‘India’ is written in English.
The opposite side of the coin has the image of the Parliament complex. The upper periphery has ‘Sansi Sankul’ written in Devnagari script while the lower periphery has ‘Parliament Complex’ written in English.
The new Parliament building can hold 888 members in the Lok Sabha and 300 members in the Rajya Sabha.
After the inauguration ceremony, the PM held his first address in the new Parliament building. Calling it an immortal day, the PM said, “More than just a building, the New Parliament reflects the aspirations and dreams of 1.4 billion people. It sends a powerful message to the world about India’s unwavering determination.”
He continued, “The New Parliament will be a testament to the dawn of Aatmanirbhar Bharat. It will be a witness to our journey towards a Viksit Bharat.”
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