Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Sunday, hosted the 101 episode of Mann Ki Baat and hailed the Yuva Sangam initiative. He said that India’s strength lies in its diversity and there is a ‘lot to see in our country’. “Keeping this in view, the Ministry of Education has taken an excellent initiative named ‘Yuvasangam.’ The objective of this initiative is to increase People to People Connect as well as to give an opportunity to the youth of the country to mingle with each other. Higher educational institutions in various states have been linked to it,” the PM said during the episode.
He continued, “We have seen that CEOs, Business leaders of many big companies have spent time in India as Back-Packers. When I meet leaders of other countries, many a time they also tell me that they had gone to visit India in their youth.”
PM Modi then gave the example of two youngsters from Arunachal Pradesh and Bihar, who under the Yuva Sangam, visited Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu respectively.
Talking to the delegate of Arunachal Pradesh, PM Modi said that he should write a blog on his experiences in the Yuva Sangam, how he enrolled in it, and how his Rajasthan experience has been.
Talking to Vishakha, the delegate from Bihar, PM Modi said, ” So Vishakha, do write a blog and share his experience on social media, firstly, of this Yuva Sangam, then of ‘Ek Bharat-Shreshth Bharat’ and then the warmth you felt in Tamil Nadu and the welcome and hospitality that you received. You were showered with the love of Tamil people, tell all these things to the country.”
Read Also: PM Modi flags off first Vande Bharat Express of Assam
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