Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a transformative 13km section of the Rapid Regional Transit System (RRTS) between Sahibabad in Ghaziabad and New Ashok Nagar in east Delhi on Sunday. The newly launched stretch marks a significant milestone in the Namo Bharat initiative, promising high-speed connectivity and a major boost to regional transit efficiency.
Starting Sunday evening, Namo Bharat trains will operate at 15-minute intervals, connecting Delhi with Meerut in record time. The 55km operational corridor, now extending into Delhi, reduces travel time between New Ashok Nagar and Meerut South to under 40 minutes — a third of the usual commute time. The complete 82km corridor, from Jangpura in Delhi to Modipuram in Meerut, is expected to be functional by mid-2025.
Fares range from ₹20 to ₹150 for standard coaches and ₹30 to ₹225 for premium options. This affordable and efficient system aims to make regional travel seamless for a diverse demographic, including women, the elderly, and persons with disabilities (Divyaangjans).
The RRTS sets a new standard in accessibility and safety. Dedicated pick-up zones, ramps, tactile paths, and reserved seating ensure inclusivity. Panic buttons on platforms and inside coaches, along with spacious accommodations for wheelchairs and stretchers, prioritize passenger safety.
A 6.5km underground stretch makes this the first subterranean section of the RRTS, enhancing its infrastructure appeal. As the trains glide into Delhi, Puneet Vats, spokesperson for NCRTC, called it “a new chapter of high-speed mobility for the national capital.”
The Delhi RRTS stretch is not just a technological leap but a promise of improved quality of life through reduced travel time, accessibility, and connectivity.
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