A mega show of investment will be organized in Uttar Pradesh from tomorrow, February 10, for which preparations have been completed at all levels. On Friday, PM Narendra Modi will inaugurate UP’s first International Investors Conference. PM Modi will inaugurate it in Lucknow’s Vrindavan scheme at 10.30 am. He will also inaugurate the Global Trade Show, and the Prime Minister will launch Invest UP 2.0.
According to the information received, PM Modi will reach the venue of UPGIS tomorrow at 10:15 am. Here, he will inaugurate the summit by lighting the lamp. On this occasion, top entrepreneurs Mukesh Ambani, Kumar Mangalam Birla, N Chandrasekaran and Daniel Brisher will make big announcements regarding investment in UP. About 10,000 delegates from India and about 41 countries will participate in the event.
A list of five industrialists who will speak briefly before Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the inaugural session of the Uttar Pradesh Global Investors Summit-2023 (UPGIS-2023) is being prepared as the state government is speeding up preparations for UPGIS. UPGIS is to be organized in Lucknow from 10 to February 12.
The Uttar Pradesh Global Investors Summit is expected to be a three-day event with around 10,000 delegates, including over 400 international delegates from around 41 countries, top industry leaders, union ministers, ministers and diplomats from participating countries as well as several CEOs of leading companies and banks.
According to the information, five top industry leaders are being considered to speak at the inaugural session, among them Reliance Group Chairman Mukesh Ambani, Aditya Birla Group Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla, Tata Sons Chairman N Chandrasekaran, Dixon Technologies Chairman Sunil Vachani and CEO, Zurich. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate UPGIS-2023, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh will address the gathering. At the same time, Uttar Pradesh Industries Minister Nand Gopal Nandi will deliver the welcome speech. Arrangements are also being made for a live telecast of the inaugural session in all the districts.
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