The Tamil Nadu government, led by Chief Minister MK Stalin, has unveiled its highly anticipated Pongal 2025 gift package, benefitting 2.2 crore ration cardholders across the state. The package includes 1 kg of brown rice, 1 kg of sugar, and one sugarcane per family at an estimated cost of ₹249.76 crore.
To ensure smooth distribution, tokens were issued door-to-door, enabling residents to collect their gifts in two shifts—morning and afternoon. The distribution is being carried out at 37,224 Public Distribution System (PDS) outlets from January 9 to January 13, 2025. Over 50,000 personnel from various departments have been deployed for the initiative.
Chief Minister Stalin inaugurated the distribution at a program held in Chennai. Special provisions were made to extend the package to residents in Sri Lankan rehabilitation camps, further emphasizing the government’s inclusive approach.
Free Sarees and Veshtis Added
In addition to rice, sugar, and sugarcane, the government is providing free sarees and veshtis to all beneficiaries. This gesture aims to enhance the festive spirit during the Pongal celebrations, a significant harvest festival in Tamil Nadu, observed on January 14.
Cash Excluded from Package
Unlike previous years, the Pongal package this year does not include a cash component. Finance Minister Thangam Thennarasu attributed this decision to financial constraints, a move that has sparked criticism from opposition parties and even some allies within the ruling DMK coalition.
Reports suggest that Chief Minister Stalin is consulting with Finance Secretary Udayachandran and other officials to evaluate the possibility of reinstating cash benefits. Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin indicated that a final decision would be announced soon.
Kalaignar Urimai Thogai Scheme
In parallel, the government has expedited disbursements under the Kalaignar Urimai Thogai Scheme. Typically credited on the 14th of each month, ₹1,000 was transferred to the bank accounts of 1.14 crore beneficiaries on January 9 to align with Pongal celebrations.
Public Response and Political Debate
While the gift package has been welcomed by many as a meaningful gesture for the festive season, the exclusion of cash has drawn mixed reactions. Beneficiaries and political leaders have expressed concerns about the impact of rising living costs on festival preparations without the additional cash benefit.
As the government deliberates further on the matter, Pongal 2025 remains a test of balancing public sentiment and fiscal responsibility.
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