Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Saturday late afternoon held a roadshow in Kerala’s Wayanad. Clad in a Sari, Priyanka Gandhi waived at her supporters atop a minibus in Wayanad. The supporters of the Congress carried the party flags as the roadshow marched through the streets of Wayanad.
Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Wadra said, “I am feeling very loved and very grateful.”
On the compensation for landslide victims, she said “It is still pending and I am also going to write to the Chief Minister (Pinarayi Vijayan) about it.”
On July 30, the state of Kerala was hit with a landslide, the deadliest one in the state, killing more than 300 people and destroying scores of houses and other buildings. The people were affected in Mundakkai and Chooralmala areas.
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra visited her constituency, Wayanad in Kerala, for the first time earlier on Saturday after taking her oath as a Member of Parliament.
She was accompanied by her brother, Rahul Gandhi, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, during her maiden visit as an MP. The duo received a warm welcome from Congress leaders and supporters.
The Lok Sabha LoP and Wayanad MP interacted with children during their public meeting in Wayanad.
The Congress General Secretary had taken her oath as a Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha on November 28, holding a copy of the Constitution.
The Wayanad seat was previously held by Rahul Gandhi, who represented the constituency before shifting to Raebareli in Uttar Pradesh after being elected to the Lok Sabha from there in this year’s general elections.