The Lok Sabha is poised for a historic moment as Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is set to make her debut speech during a special debate marking 75 years of the Indian Constitution. Scheduled for December 13 and 14, this two-day debate will culminate in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reply, adding gravity to the occasion.
The Parliament’s Winter Session, which began on November 25, has been marked by disruptions and heated exchanges over issues ranging from alleged links between Congress and billionaire George Soros to unrest in Sambhal and Manipur. Priyanka Gandhi’s maiden speech comes against this tumultuous backdrop, symbolizing a significant moment for the Congress as it looks to reclaim its position in the national political landscape.
Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, speaking ahead of the session, emphasized the need for a comprehensive discussion on the Constitution. “Many unconstitutional things are going on. Autonomous bodies are being misused, and governance in the country is not good,” Kharge remarked. His call for accountability has set the tone for the debate, where Priyanka Gandhi is expected to present a fresh perspective on these pressing issues.
Priyanka Gandhi’s entry into the Lok Sabha is seen as a symbolic assertion of the Congress’s commitment to upholding constitutional principles. Her speech will likely touch upon themes of democracy, governance, and the role of opposition, echoing the party’s broader narrative under Kharge’s leadership.
As the Congress prepares to confront the government on issues like “One Nation, One Election” and alleged misuse of institutions, Priyanka Gandhi’s debut is expected to energize party ranks. Her presence underscores the evolving role of the Gandhi family in the Congress, signaling a generational shift in the party’s strategy.
With both the BJP and Congress issuing whips for full attendance during the debate, all eyes will be on Priyanka Gandhi’s speech. It is not just a test of her oratory but also a reflection of the Congress’s ability to articulate its vision for India’s constitutional future in an increasingly polarized political environment.
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