On Saturday, Haryana police used teargas shells and deployed a water cannon to stop a group of protesting farmers from advancing towards Delhi at the Shambhu border. Several farmers were injured during the protest and were transported to a nearby hospital in ambulances stationed at the site, according to officials.
Instagram and Facebook face disruptions as users report access issues across the U.S., with widespread…
This grand festival, celebrated by millions of devotees, takes place at four sacred locations Prayagraj…
Individuals who wear sarees and dhotis for extended hours are at risk of developing depigmentation,…
Airfares to Prayagraj for Mahakumbh 2025 rise significantly, with flights from Bengaluru seeing a 41%…
A meteorite older than Earth itself, the 4.6 billion-year-old Murchison meteorite, has provided scientists with…
Drake has officially withdrawn his legal complaint accusing Spotify and Universal Music Group (UMG) of…