Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw told the Lok Sabha that train blankets are washed at least once a month and passengers are also given an extra bed sheet in the bedroll kit to use as a quilt cover. This was in response to Congress MP Kuldeep Indora’s query about the frequency of washing woollen blankets and whether they meet the basic hygiene standards expected by passengers paying for bedding.
The minister clarified that in Indian Railways, there are blankets designed to be lighter and easy to be washed, but at the same time, they keep the passengers warm for quite some time. The minister clarified that Indian Railways does not compromise on passengers’ comfort and hygiene.
In his written reply, Vaishnaw explained more about the measures undertaken by the railways to ensure clean and quality linen is available at trains. He stated that with mechanized laundries, the supply of hygiene linen is maintained and there are standard machines used with specified chemicals for washing the linen. Moreover, with “whito-meters,” the quality of washed linen is checked so as to meet the specified requirement.
Vaishnaw discussed a few important initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Railways for improving passenger comfort:
Vaishnaw also highlighted the establishment of “war rooms” at zonal and divisional levels to promptly address passenger complaints, particularly regarding the cleanliness and condition of linen and bedrolls. Complaints can be lodged through the RailMadad portal, which tracks and resolves issues efficiently.
On a broader note, the Minister reiterated the fact that Indian Railways is now using eco-friendly packaging for bedrolls, and it has also taken measures to improve the logistics of storing, transporting, and handling linen at stations and onboard trains. Efforts are made so passengers get clean, comfortable bedding during their journeys.
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