YouTuber Mithilesh Backpacker recently recounted a distressing experience in Udaipur, Rajasthan, where his Russian wife, Lisa, was subjected to eve-teasing while visiting the City Palace with their two-year-old son. In a 15-minute video shared on his YouTube channel, Mithilesh detailed how a group of men followed and harassed his family, including making derogatory comments.
Mithilesh captured the incident on camera, with one man uttering “6,000 INR,” a phrase that has gained a derogatory connotation regarding Russian women due to sexually suggestive jokes popularized in Indian media. The YouTuber confronted the man on video, asking, “Who are you calling 6,000? Do you think I don’t understand?” He added, “Just because my wife is Russian, you think you can make such comments?”
The harassment, according to Mithilesh, began even before the recorded incident, with the men making inappropriate remarks and following them. When palace security intervened, they allegedly discouraged him from involving the police.
Mithilesh expressed his frustration and disappointment, stating, “I wanted to showcase India as a beautiful and safe destination. But when something like this happens, how do I defend my country? It’s shocking and deeply shameful.”
Broader Issue of Harassment
This is not the first instance of foreign women facing harassment in India. In 2022, a South Korean woman was harassed in Mumbai during a live stream, leading to the arrest of two men. Earlier in 2024, a Spanish woman was gang-raped in Jharkhand while traveling to Nepal.
Mithilesh called for greater accountability and a change in societal attitudes, emphasizing that incidents like these tarnish India’s reputation as a tourist-friendly country. He also urged authorities to strengthen security measures to ensure the safety of women, both locals and visitors, across India.
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